• Rhinoplasty Malta
    Dottor Agatino Galletta
  • Chirurgia estetica Naso Catania
  • Dottor Agatino Galletta


Rinofiller is the implant of filling materials, resorbable and not, which allows non-surgical remodeling of the shape of the nose, treating minor nasal defects. Scientific literature shows that the use of semi-permanent or definitive materials is weighed down by a particularly high risk of complications, which does not justify its use on a large scale. In general, biocompatible materials are better integrated than non-resorbable ones. Currently the safest method involves the targeted use of hyaluronic acid microinjections in certain areas of the back and tip of the nose, in order to establish harmony among the various components of the nose. The application of appropriate anesthetic ointment and ice in the half hour before the application of the filler ensures an easy execution of the procedure. The ambulatory application of the filler lasts about twenty minutes and at the end of the treatment it is already possible to see the new shape of the nose. Rarely small redness and swelling may appear on the surface of the treated nose, even more rarely small haematomas can occur, always and however completely transitory. It is not necessary to use drugs during and after the application of the filler. Despite the use of absorbable materials, rhinofiller lasts from 6-10 months. The variability of reabsorption times depends on several variables, first of all the chemical characteristics of the product used. It is advisable then to repeat once a year the refilling session to keep the desired results stable over time. The treatment is not an alternative to rhinoseptoplasty surgery, but it allows the improvement of small aesthetic defects of the nose.without the use of techniques certainly more invasive and demanding.


  • correzione di gibbo poco pronunciato

  • scarsa proiezione della punta

  • scarsa rotazione della punta

  • radice nasale profonda,

  • imperfezioni successive a rinoplastica chirurgica

  • asimmetrie del dorso e della punta


  • metodica ambulatoriale, senza ricovero,

  • tempi di realizzazione rapidi (circa 20 minuti),

  • immediata visione dei risultati desiderati

  • tempi di recupero rapidi (qualche giorno di convalescenza),

  • assenza di dolore,

  • trattamento reversibile e ripetibile che non preclude la possibilità futura di ricorrere ad una rinoplastica chirurgica.

  • costi certamente più contenuti rispetto all'intervento tradizionale.

  • rapida eliminazione degli effetti estetici mediante apposito trattamento


  • non applicabile ai difetti estetici maggiori

  • non corregge i difetti funzionali del setto

  • ripetizione del trattamento una volta all'anno circa

  • comparsa di rari gonfiori, ecchimosi ed arrossamenti.

In conclusione in trattamento mediante rinofiller biocompatibili è una valida alternativa alla correzione chirurgica dei difetti estetici minori del naso. In tutti gli altri casi la  Rinosettoplastica  rappresenta il trattamento di elezione per la correzione delle problematiche respiratorie ed estetiche maggiori.

Rhinoplasty Malta - Dr. Agatino GALLETTA

Dott. Agatino Galletta
Otolaryngology Specialist - Nose Surgeon

Dr. Agatino Galletta was born in Catania in 1965, he graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Catania in 1989 and specialized in Otorhinolaryngology in 1993 and worked in public structures until 2015. Today, Dr. Galletta is a professional, receiving his patients in the new Center in Via Ingegnere 47, Catania and performs his surgical procedures at the Casa di Cura Gibiino in Catania.